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layered deposit中文是什么意思

用"layered deposit"造句"layered deposit"怎么读"layered deposit" in a sentence


  • 成层沉积


  • Formation of gan film by ammoniating ga2o3 film on in layer deposited on si substrates
  • The disease occurs when cholesterol layers deposit on the inner wall of coronary arteries and narrow the lumens of the arteries . the process reduces blood supply to cardiac muscle and causes exertional chest pain known as angina
  • Squyres and other team members suggest that the layered deposits they saw on these rocks could have formed from volcanic dust that either mixed with water vapour or acquired a thin coating of water at some later stage
  • In regard of the deposition coating way , the results of experiments show that ph value have no influence on the coat layer forming . under different ph value in these experiments , graphite surface ca n ' t be coated mostly . just on some surface of graphite , is there the flaky coat layer deposited
用"layered deposit"造句  
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